Mario would not reappear in Donkey Kong 3, hence the lack of that title being on the list. You don’t control Mario in this one but he is there. This sequel turned the DK formula on its head by putting Mario in the role of the villain, capturing Donkey Kong as revenge for what he did to Pauline. This game was also among the first to bring the “save the damsel in distress” gameplay that would be popular in the 80s, with Mario working to rescue Pauline from the Kong’s clutches. It also helped that this introduced various elements to gaming, such as being able to jump over objects and completely different stages.

It makes sense as to why – previous games lacked the personality that comes with animated characters and by introducing “Jumpman” up against the villainous King Kong-like character Donkey Kong, this game oozed such drama and became a hit not just in Japan but overseas too. Nintendo had been creating arcade games in the 1970s but nothing really caught on until Shigeru Miyamoto’s Donkey Kong. Super Mario Bros.), the fact is that the character really got his start in arcades so let’s take a look at that origin and take a trip down memory lane to see where else the character has starred in an arcade game. While it wasn’t clear which exact game he played (sounds like it might have been Vs. In that, Mario voice actor Chris Pratt brought up that the first time he encountered Nintendo’s working man mascot character was at the arcade. movie this week, they prefaced it by having some brief introductions from the actors. When Nintendo revealed the movie trailer for the Super Mario Bros.